ViewPLUS SCADA Software
SCADA Server
Compatible with Windows, Linux and MacOS platforms
Oracle and PostgreSQL support
Secure SSL connection support with OperatorClients
Unlimited Client Connection (Limited with server hardware)
Wide range industrial and distributed network communication protocol support (MODBUS, IEC104 etc.)
Component Management
Create symbols from PNG, JPG etc. files
Designing animations
Create symbol libraries specific for the project
SCADA Editor
Integrated graphics symbol library
Create custom symbols
Changing symbol’s properties like width, length, position etc. according to field data
Smart and custom components with scripting support
Layered component architecture
Different layer views for different zoom levels
Multi-user development infrastructure
Real-time graphics and trends
Advanced tag and channel editor
Create real-time database queries and relate these with components
Page and component based user right management
Operator Client
Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android ve iOS support
Real-time charts
Event and alarm monitoring
Dynamic adaptation for different screen resolutions
Multi-touch support for mobile platforms
Multiple monitor support
Web base reporting services
Advanced reporting options
User Management
256 different user authorization levels
User groups with different authorization levels
Alarm subscription for users
E-mail notifications
Guest, administrator and standard user configurations
Alarm Management
Unlimited alarms for any tag
Alarm acknowledge and add note
Alarm history and real-time alarm monitoring
Show alarm notifications on components
Direct link to the relates station from “alarms page
User alarm subscriptions
Audio-visual alarm notifications
Alarm e-mail notifications
Coloring alarms according to the acknowledge state
Adding alarm panels on OperatorClient main screen